Monday 15 July 2024

It's time to stop the stupid

 To the tune of The Muppet Show opening theme:

It’s time to stop the stupid

It’s time to park the car

It’s time to see some hard facts for exactly what they are


It’s time to learn some new tricks

And not be such a dink

It’s time to recognize that we’re all on the brink


Why did we do this to us?

We thought we were so great.

It’s like a kind of torture

Seeing idiots procreate.


I'd like to introduce an idea

And one that’s tried and true,

It may make some folks crazy,

But what’s a girl to do?


So let us not be stupid

Why don’t we not be stupid?

It’s time to stop the stupid

On the facts in front of us, no need to discuss, take a fucking bus, stop making a fuss,

This is what we call Global Climate Change!

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