Monday, 3 January 2022

Who knew?

 Written June 26, 1989

Sssszzt! And the metal ring snaps open and tiny Don Ho bubbles fill up the air space above.

"Don't shush me" and I guzzle, faster than I should, ginger acids my nose hairs.

"Ow, ooo, oh!" Pain, not-so-pain, return to steady state.

I set the aluminum can down and open another before the first one is done with.

The spriting schpritzes rush about to & fro, here & there.

"Slow down, slow down."

Who knew?

Who knew that the sex we had with

    air conditioners,

    made in Japan,

    for Canadian winters

Would lead to this? This hole I cannot see above my head?

I tip both cans upside down on linoleum and gently place them in the blue box.

The Fantastic Aerial Odyssey of José-Antonio, or "Pennies in December"

Pennies in December

Coins in ice that don't let

Just anyone pick 'em up.

Half-smoked cigarettes

Lip-stick tainted

Pressed against cold lips, thin

"Ain't nothing like a good drag."

"Heard the grocery store's dumping bananas."

Throwing away everything that isn't beautiful.

Even pennies in December.